Miu Miu More: an alternate world created to celebrate Miu Miu’s holiday collection. A magic ‘Miu-niverse’ complete with a feature film and a variety of 360 digital assets tells the story of Miu Miu mania, starring Elle Fanning


Desires, obsessions, passions; the needs and loves of the Miu Miu girl — her fashion fantasies and daydreams inspire a short film in celebration of the holidays

Client: Miu Miu

Director: Gordon Von Steiner

Stylist: Sara Moonves

Hair: Jimmy Paul

Makeup: Marla Belt

Talent: Elle Fanning, Eniola Abioro, Lucan Gillespie, Olivia Anakwa, Olivia Forte, Oumie Jammeh

Agency: GB65

Art Director: Spencer Judge